I’m coming back to Sziget!

I’m coming back to Sziget!

In exactly 100 days the doors of the island of freedom will be opening for a new edition of Sziget festival and one more time, I am gonna be there. And precisely that I’m gonna be back in Budapest shouldn't be news if a few days after the end of Sziget 2022, disenchanted after an extremely dusty edition, I hadn't written an article about the festival stating that I was most likely not coming back the next year. You can read the article here.

But as it happens in life, memory is selective over time and often stores the good memories. And Sziget has given me many of those in the last few years. For that reason, and because as I criticized the organization of the festival, it is also fair now to recognise that they seem to have listened to all the critical voices and for this new edition they are taking measures to ensure that the mistakes of the past are not repeated.

In this way, in the upcoming Sziget there will be many more decorations across the whole festival, creating an extra spectacular atmosphere. Plus, they say they will host amazing new art installations designed especially for Sziget through their Art of Freedom project.

Regarding the land care, Sziget have claimed to have been recultivating the festival`s fields and will continue to nurture the ground year-round to keep it nourished. A new anti-dust treatment will be used across the festival area and the number of vehicles will be restricted to help maintain the ground health. 

The free camping area has been expanded with much more space to choose from. Plus, the upgraded camping areas will have extra pre-pitched and boutique accommodations and services.

About the food, Sziget is promising more variety, plus a newly refurbished food courts with extra seating and shade.

And last but not least, no more portable toilets! 95% of the toilets at Sziget will be flushable and in container blocks with running water. On top of that, the shower facilities will be expanded with extra availability.

Lineup Sziget 2023 (many more artists to come)

Like I said at the beginning, on Thursday, August 10th I´m gonna be at Sziget one more time. And you, are you also gonna swing by to the island of freedom this Summer?

Find more information and tickets directly at the official website of Sziget festival.

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